• Map of Jesus's miracles - Map shows the locations and estimated locations in and around the land of Israel where Jesus performed about 40 miracles about 2,000 years ago, as recorded by the New Tesrtament writers of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
• Map of Jesus's ministry - Shows many of the cities within the land of Israel that are mentioned in the New Testament, or were important during New Testament times, about 2000 years ago.
• Map of the cities with the seven churches in Revelation - Shows the seven Turkish cities that have the churches that are referred to in the Bible's book of Revelation.
• Paul's first mission journey - From about 46 AD to 48 AD (more than 1900 years ago), Paul the evangelist undertook his first mission journey. He traveled from Syrian Antioch to Derbe, and back again. This journey is described in the Bible's book of Acts, chapters 13 and 14.
• Paul's second mission journey - Paul's second missionary journey took place between 49 AD and 52 AD, more than 1900 years ago. He traveled through part of Asia and Europe. This journey is described in the Bible's book of Acts, chapters 15, 16, 17 and 18.
• Paul's third mission journey - Paul's 3rd missionary journey took place between 54 AD and 58 AD, more than 1900 years ago. He traveled through parts of Asia and Europe. This journey is described in the Bible's book of Acts 18:23-28; Acts 19; Acts 20; through Acts 21:17.
• Paul's journey to Rome - Around 59 A.D. and 60 A.D., Paul the evangelist was taken as a prisoner from Caeserea to Rome, making several stops along the way. Even as a prisoner, he continued to evangelize. This journey is described in the Bible's book of Acts, chapters 26, 27 and 28.
• Bible places map - Maps shows locations of the places that are mentioned in the Bible. Hover your cursor over the dots to see the name of a place, or click on the dots and an information window will pop up.