Map of Paul's third mission journey

Paul's 3rd missionary journey took place between 54 AD and 58 AD, more than 1900 years ago. He traveled through parts of Asia and Europe. This journey is described in the Bible's book of Acts 18:23-28; Acts 19; Acts 20; through Acts 21:17. Click on any of the map markers and more information about that place will pop up.

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The places that Paul visited during his third missionary journey are listed below in chronological order.

  1. Antioch

    Paul begins his third mission journey. "After spending some time in Antioch, Paul set out from there and traveled from place to place throughout the region of Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening all the disciples." - NIV English translation of Acts 18:23. (View on map)

  2. Tarsus

    Paul travels from Antioch to Ephesus. Tarsus is on the way, and based on Acts 18:23, Paul might have re-visited disciples there. (View on map)

  3. Iconium

    Paul travels from Antioch to Ephesus. Iconiumn is on the way, and based on Acts 18:23, he might have re-visited disciples there. (View on map)

  4. Ephesus

    In Ephesus, God performs miracles of healing through Paul; many people are brought to faith. Later, idol makers who worship the goddess Artemis encourage a riot in rebellion to Paul's faithful teachings about Jesus. Acts 19:1-41. (View on map)

  5. Troas

    After the uproar in Ephesus ends, Paul travels through the countries of Macedonia and Greece. He might have re-visited communities that he had previously traveled to or through as an evangelist, such as Troas. Acts 20:1-6. (View on map)

  6. Neapolis

    Paul travels through the countries of Macedonia and Greece. He might have re-visited communities that he had previously traveled to or through as an evangelist, such as Neapolis. Acts 20:1-6. (View on map)

  7. Philippi

    Paul travels through the countries of Macedonia and Greece. He might have re-visited communities that he had previously traveled to or through as an evangelist, such as Philippi. Acts 20:1-6. (View on map)

  8. Amphipolis

    Paul travels through the countries of Macedonia and Greece. He might have re-visited communities that he had previously traveled to or through, such as Amphipolis. Acts 20:1-6. (View on map)

  9. Apollonia

    Paul travels through the countries of Macedonia and Greece. He might have re-visited communities that he had previously traveled to or through, such as Apollonia. Acts 20:1-6. (View on map)

  10. Thessalonica

    Paul travels through the countries of Macedonia and Greece. He might have re-visited communities that he had previously traveled to or through, such as Thessalonica. Acts 20:1-6. (View on map)

  11. Berea

    Paul travels through the countries of Macedonia and Greece. He might have re-visited communities that he had previously traveled to or through, such as Berea. Acts 20:1-6. (View on map)

  12. Athens

    Paul travels through the countries of Macedonia and Greece. He might have re-visited communities that he had previously traveled to or through, such as Athens. Acts 20:1-6. (View on map)

  13. Corinth

    Paul travels through the countries of Macedonia and Greece. He might have re-visited communities that he had previously traveled to or through, such as Corinth. Acts 20:1-6. (View on map)

  14. Berea

    Paul travels through the countries of Macedonia and Greece. He might have re-visited communities that he had previously traveled to or through, such as Berea. Acts 20:1-6. (View on map)

  15. Thessalonica

    Paul travels through the countries of Macedonia and Greece. He might have re-visited communities that he had previously traveled to or through, such as Thessalonica. Acts 20:1-6. (View on map)

  16. Apollonia

    Paul travels through the countries of Macedonia and Greece. He might have re-visited communities that he had previously traveled to or through, such as Apollonia. Acts 20:1-6. (View on map)

  17. Amphipolis

    Paul travels through the countries of Macedonia and Greece. He might have re-visited communities that he had previously traveled to or through, such as Amphipolis. Acts 20:1-6. (View on map)

  18. Philippi

    After traveling through Macedonia and Greece, Paul goes to Philippi before sailing to Troas. Acts20:6. (View on map)

  19. Neapolis

    Acts 20:6 informs us that Paul travels from Philippi to Troas. After leaving Philippi, it is possible that he set sail from a port in Neapolis, just south of Philippi, en route to Troas. Neapolis today is called Kavalla. Acts 20:6. (View on map)

  20. Troas

    Paul delivers a lengthy sermon in the upper chamber of a building. A young man named Eutychus was sitting on a window sill listening to Paul. Eutychus falls asleep and tumbles out of the third-floor window to his death on the ground below. Paul heals the man, bringing him back to life. Acts 20:7-12. (View on map)

  21. Assos

    Paul leaves Troas and travels by foot to Assos. Acts 20:13. (View on map)

  22. Mitylene

    From Assos, Paul and others sail to Mitylene. Acts 20:14. (View on map)

  23. Kios

    The day after arriving in Milylene, Paul and others set sail to Kios (Chios). Acts 20:15. (View on map)

  24. Miletus

    In Miletus, Paul meets with church elders from Ephesus. He tells them, "I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." (Acts 20:24). Acts 20:15-24. (View on map)

  25. Cos

    From Miletus, Paul sails to Cos. Acts 21:1. (View on map)

  26. Rhodes

    From Cos, Paul sails to Rhodes. Acts 21:1. (View on map)

  27. Patara

    From Rhodes, Paul sails to Patara. Acts 21:1. (View on map)

  28. Tyre

    From Patara, Paul and his companions find a ship that is sailing for Tyre. They pass by Cyprus, sailing south of the island, and stop at Tyre. They meet with disciples and stay with them for seven days. Acts 21:2-6. (View on map)

  29. Ptolemais

    Paul and others continue their voyage, sailing from Tyre to Ptolemais, staying there for a day to meet with disciples. Acts 21:7 (View on map)

  30. Caesarea

    Paul travels to Caesarea. A prophet named Agabus tells Paul that Paul will be bound and handed over to the Gentiles if he returns to Jerusalem. Paul responds, "I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus." Acts 21:8-16. (View on map)

  31. Jerusalem

    Paul arrives in Jerusalem. A riot is started by people who claim that Paul has defiled Judaism with his teachings about Christianity. Paul is bound and arrested by Roman soldiers. Acts 21:17-40 and all of Acts 22. Paul eventually is taken to Rome, as a prisoner. (View on map)

Source: Research by

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